
I’ve decided to make my site more wholesome. I’m working on various things in my life: I plan to amass 37M plastic bags in Trafalgar Sq, and turn them into something(s) useful. I am about to meet Trish Pargeter from Greener Upon Thames. I recently ironed a bag into a pencil*. I will propose that idea to Pentel and Moleskin. The pencil is flat you see? Cynthia King from Vivienne Westwood’s environment department is waiting to hear from me… I should call her soon.I am embarking on setting up a charity: Clive Lampard said that he‘d lend a hand with the legal aspects of it which would be enormously helpful. I have just spoken to Andrew from 3space.Org who also enable others to make use of empty buildings. There* is my business plan with recent suggestions thanks to…, I need to ‘complete’ it soon. Trish Pargeter mentioned that she used was a lawyer, aimed to go into human rights and ended up in trusts and tax” is the way she phrased it.I cut hair on Facebook. Or perhaps one could say Facebook is my office. I have a steadily growing clientele. My agent through whom I used to pay a few visits to the hotels around South Kensington where I now live needs emulating. Growing my clientele in the right area will be important over the coming years. The Pont street hotel were accommodating last time I asked. I’ll dig around those old emails. I also have quite a few clients to chase up. An agent would be great.I realised that fashion is a great source of income but I’ve left my forrray into “the industry”, as it’s bizarrely know, on the back burner of late. I have a few lines of enquiry to follow-up on though. Minerva’s advice would stand me in good stead for picking those up.  Dasha Selyanova invited me to work on a shoot for her this Friday, I can’t think of a good reason not to. I’m told it will be published online. That summarises my current attitude to fashion and not Dasha.Victoria Perez said thanks for sending her chapter 37 of A little history of the world she’ll post me something useful soon.I’m taking Dalia to her first “pinano” lesson on Tuesday. I plan to barter a  lesson for a haircut. I wonder if there are active barter networks online in London. Raj offered his services as the Parents Forum Secretary at Dalia’s nursery, I need to ask for his help in preparation for the meeting early next month.